Franchise characters are used in Escalation, while players can customize one of four character classes (Scientist, Infiltrator, Destroyer, and Titan) on 9 different maps (Sewers, Spire, Abandoned, Bowels, Array, Corrosion, Tempest, Convoy, Desolation) in competitive multiplayer.As gameplay progresses, new sections of the level open, which give players access to upgraded weapons and abilities.In this mode players must defend against increasingly difficult waves of enemies. The survival mode Escalation from War for Cybertron returns.

Features of Transformers Fall of Cybertron: When he gains enough rage, Grimlock is able to transform and inflict massive damage. Carrying only a sword and shield, Grimlock cannot transform at will, instead accumulating rage as he battles opponents. Jazz can fire a grappling hook to reach high or distant places, Optimus Prime can command the massive Metroplex, and the Combaticons have the ability to combine into the Decepticon Bruticus. Instead of a traditional health system, the game features a system similar to the Halo series of video games. Players can control each transformer in both its robot and vehicle forms. Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, like its predecessor Transformers: War for Cybertron, is a third-person shooter.